SDSU mandates full meningitis B vaccine for new students


A fourth SDSU student was then hit with the virus in mid-April after another series of Greek life events.

May 31, 2019
The Daily Aztec


After San Diego State saw an outbreak of meningitis in September 2018, a new requirement for fall 2019 will force new and incoming students to receive the full meningococcal B vaccine series.

This change comes in addition to California State University Executive Order 803 that goes into effect for all campuses in fall 2020. Due to SDSU’s recent history with cases of meningococcal meningitis, the campus decided to implement the executive order a year early with the added menB requirement, which will not be mandated on other CSU campuses.

Prior to the new executive order, an SDSU press release said the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and hepatitis B (HepB) vaccines were the only two required immunizations. Now, all new, incoming students will be required to have the MMR and HepB vaccines as well as those for varicella (chickenpox), tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap), meningococcal disease (Serogroups A, C,Y,W-135) and screening for tuberculosis (TB). Currently, SDSU is the only CSU campus who will require the menB vaccine.

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